By | March 10th, 2013|Blog|

For the many years I’ve been in business, the most often heard question is, “How do you handle the situation, when you’re asked to speak on a subject, at the last minute and you had no time to prepare?”  My answer is always the same: TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU KNOW AND THE WORDS WILL COME.  Your Awareness will always lead you in the right direction. If you think too much, at the last minute, you’ll begin to worry about picking the right words.  So just treat the incident like you would a conversation with a close friend.  Remember, you just talk to them, without a script.  Usually, the conversation just follows. It’s good to treat public speaking as a conversation with more than one person, at the same time.  Then, you won’t be so nervous and the words will just flow from your Knowing. For some more specifics, call Garrett @ (816) 875-9313.


By | March 27th, 2013|Blog|

Our culture tells us, constantly, that public speaking is hard, because it’s US against THEM.  We’re also told the THEY don’t want to hear what we have to say.  I suggest that you look at public speaking in a different way…as a conversation with more than one person at the same time.  And, if you’ll treat it that way, you won’t have to worry about the words you say.  Remember, when you have a conversation with a friend, you just talk and the words just flow out of you and your friend.

“But, when I’m up in front of groups I start to worry about what I’ll say,” you say.  I say that YOU SHOULD TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU KNOW.  When you do, you can TRUST that your Awareness of what you know will give you the words you need.  Then you can relax and enjoy the experience.

To learn the other keys to the enjoyment of public speaking, call Garrett at (816) 875-2095, to set up your FREE HOUR of vocal consultation.


By | April 16th, 2013|Blog|

Most of us have too much to say, because we think our listeners need a whole lot more information than they actually do to make decisions.  In reality, the points we’re trying to get across can get lost in the details, because there is an information overload competing for attention.  Please remember, each listener is already wrapped-up in an agenda.

So you’re much better off to concise your content into three elements that will be easy for the listeners to remember.  For example, whenever I talk about Speaking, I present three(3) things I want you to consider: the Introduction, the Salient Points of the argument and the Conclusion.

The Introduction sets the stage for the argument, by getting the listeners to engage.  The Salient Points lay out the “proof” for the argument.  And, the Conclusion asks for the “sale.”

I’ve designed the FULL VOICE Template for Speaking for just this purpose.  It’s easy to follow and apply to any speaking situation.  Come in for your FREE HOUR of vocal consultation and I’ll explain it to you.  I’ll guarantee it will help you have more success in getting people to listen to you, take you seriouslly and get them to take the actions you want.

To set a time for your FREE HOUR, call Garrett at (816) 875-2095.


By | May 7th, 2013|Blog|

Our culture tells us to always be thinking about what we’re going to say, next.  When we do that, we can’t be listening to the people we’re talking with.  And, when we don’t listen, we don’t hear what they are saying.  When we don’t hear what they’re saying, our responses don’t make sense.  Then the conversations stop.  And, we fail to build the relationships that are so necessary to have the success we want in our lives.

So, just today, listen, really listen to what others are saying, without wondering what your replies will be.  And, just maybe, your conversations will produce the kinds of results we never thought possible.  Then, do it again, tomorrow, and, just maybe, you’ll get some more of these results.

If you’d like find out how to have these results, every day, call me at (816) 897-2095, and make an appointment to come in for your FREE HOUR of vocal consultation.


By | June 17th, 2013|Blog|

Join Garrett for his engaging seminar, FINDING THE NINJA WITHIN, which will be presented at the Lee’s Summit Chamber’s Recess for Success series, on July 9, 2013, at the Manhattan  Room of the John Knox Village, from 3:30 – 4:30pm.

Learn to get others to listen to you, take you seriously and take the action you desire, by enhancing your personal brand image, unscripting your presentations and increasing you level of credibility.

To register, contact Mark Dickey at the Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce, (816) 524-2424.


By | July 11th, 2013|Blog|

Realize that you can be an Extraordinary Communicator.  Whatever the limitations you believe your background has placed on you are only in your mind.  You can learn the skills and techniques of Extraordinary Communication quite easily.   By skipping the problems you think you have is the first step.  Then you are free to discover what’s really holding you back.  If it were not the issue, would you attempt to become and Extraordinary Communicator?

If  you think vocabulary is the problem, it’s not.  Once you trust your Awareness to give you the words, you can begin to talk about what you know, without thinking.  When you know what you are talking about, you don’t need the words.

To find out more about becoming an Extraordinary Communicator, call Garrett at (816) 875-2095, to set up your FREE HOUR of vocal consultation.


By | August 1st, 2013|Blog|

We oftent internalize, “I don’t deserve it!,” when good things happen to us.  This attitude comes from a general feeling of unworthiness; which, sadly, starts in our childhood. Our parents  and the tenents of our religious traditions tell us we are basically “bad” and will never measure up.  As we move to adulthood, these feeling stay with us that the good things are just accidents and we don’t deserve them.  HOGWASH!

The phrase you hear yourself saying so often, “I’m Sorry!”is a major problem keeping us from accepting ourselves as we are.  We tend to look for opportunities to apologize or excuse ourselves, when what is called for is “What can I do for you?”

SPEAKING WELL OF YOURSELF is much easier, when you realize that God doesn’t make junk.  You have purpose and are worthy just as you are.  That doesn’t mean you can’t get better.  We all can.  The way to accomplish it is to be looking for ways to help others realize their better selves.  The more you do it, the better you feel about yourself and good things, naturally, keep happening to you.

For more ways to be positive in your life, call Garrett at (816) 875-2095


By | November 22nd, 2013|Blog|

I’m always telling my clients, don’t wait for your turn to talk, when someone is talking; listen instead.  Then, they’ll really know how to respond.  That’s just great advice from the teacher. However, this teacher often doesn’t follow his own advice.  And, I need to put a piece of ducktape over my mouth.

When we’re not careful, it’s easy to jump to conclusions, that we know the directions others are going in conversations.  And, we get in trouble and hurt our relationships.  As I said, it’s happened to me, too.

So decide to listen, first, to get the whole story, before making your comments.  And, you won’t have to keep buying so many rolls of ducktape.

For more information on Non-Judgmental Listening and other techniques from the FULL VOICE Vocal Communication Method(sm), call me for a FREE HOUR of vocal consultation, (816) 875-2095.


By | August 26th, 2014|Blog|

Conversations are effective, when messages are delivered, without LOAD.  LOAD is defined as the baggage we bring to conversations, including unwarranted assumptions and previous experience.  In business, we often fail to have conversations which are needed.  We need to remember that there is power in each conversation to take us toward or away from our goals.

Business is fundamentally an extended conversation…with associates, clients and partners.  Any one conversation can be the one to change the trajectory of a sale, career or company.  Everyone must have conversations that question reality, provoke knowing, embarace tough challenges and enrich partnerships.

Effective conversations develop clarity, as they help us consider all aspects of topics, enable best possible decisions for all parties and encourage agreements which provide win-win scenarios.

Often we fail to address real issures, because of un-discussable subjects, which we feel need to be avoided, at all costs, to preserve a modicum of peace. We need to come out from behind ourselves and make conversations real.  When conversations are real, change occurs even before the conversations have ended.


By | February 27th, 2020|Blog|


By Garrett Haskell Gardner

Take action in certain ways daily for a significant period of time, and put  habits in place that last a lifetime.  In developing the FULL VOICE™ Vocal Communication Methods, I formulated the Disciplines of Voice© daily vocal exercise regimen to provide clients with basic techniques for fostering lasting habits of effective speaking, on the phone, one-to-one and in group situations.  In the 28 years of FULL VOICE™ over 700 clients have positively changed the trajectory of their careers.

You can learn how to apply these proven techniques to your own situation during a FREE HOUR OF VOCAL ASSESSMENT©.  Call me @ (816) 898-4814 to set a convenient time to come into the office.  You’ll learn to sow actions and reap habits!



by Garrett Haskell Gardner

Take action in certain ways daily for a significant period of time and put  habits in place that last a lifetime.  In developing the FULL VOICE™ Vocal Communication Methods, I formulated the Disciplines of Voice© daily vocal exercise regimen to provide clients with basic techniques for fostering lasting habits of effective speaking on the phone, one-to-one, and in group situations.  In 28 years of FULL VOICE™, over 700 clients have positively changed the trajectory of their careers.

You can learn how to apply these proven techniques to your own situation during a FREE HOUR OF VOCAL ASSESSMENT©.  Call me @ (816) 898-4814, to set a convenient time to come into the office.  You’ll learn to sew habits and reap habits!