Career Management

How to Take Control of the Interview and Get the Offer ©

Many experienced professionals, executives, technicians and sales people believe that they simply have to show proficiency in job-related competencies to get the job. But more and more companies are looking to fill key positions with capable spokespersons who can handle themselves well–on the phone, on-to-one and in group situations–and get others to take appropriate action.

Candidates, therefore, need to spruce up their job interview skills and take charge of the interviewing process to make the company representatives know that they…”can’t let this one get away.”

This takes a concerted effort to reduce nervousness by coming to know that you can talk about what you know and can speak without a script or notes…by just letting your mind come up with the words.

When you do, you’ll get your points across much more easily, get them to take you seriously. FULL VOICE™ can teach you the job interview skills you need to get the job!


  • How to develop your FULL VOICE™ capabilities, so you’ll know that you sound like you know what you’re saying.
  • How to believe in the importance of what you have to say.
  • How to communicate with more passion and sincerity.
  • How to express yourself in meaningful statements so you’ll be understood the first time, more often.
  • How to let your awareness talk and reduce your dependence on words.
  • How to reduce nervousness and feel more confident within the interviewing process.
  • How to listen nonjudgmentally and openly, so you’ll really hear what the company representative is saying and asking…and be able to respond accordingly.
  • How to take charge of the interviewing process and get the offer.