
Speak With Confidence In Any Situation

Join the CEOs, Executives and Professionals Who
Thank FULL VOICE for Their Speaking Success

Since 1992, Garrett Gardner of FULL VOICE has helped hundreds of professionals in business, government, academics, and sports improve their abilities to speak on the phone, one-to-one and in group situations.

Now you can take advantage of FULL VOICE’s proven vocal communication and public speaking training through:

Contact Full Voice today for a free hour vocal consultation (816) 898-4814!

What Clients Say About FULL VOICE(TM) and Garrett Gardner

“It has been a little over a year, since I took your course and I must say the past year has been remarkable.  I have waited to write you to see if what you teach works after the meetings.  IT WORKS!!!”

R. Douglas Krtek, President, Krtek Real Estate Services, Kansas City MO

“Mr. Gardner is eminently qualified to teach communication. He is very familiar with the Asian accents and intonation.

He understands the physiology involved in communication. Based on the feedback from my colleagues on my own communication style after the course, I can unhesitatingly recommend Mr. Gardner for such courses to people with communication problems irrespective of national origin or age.”

Dilip K. Das, Principal Engineer, Bayer CropScience

“I am more confident when speaking in large groups.  One reason is because I sound better.  But more importantly, I allow my conversation to flow without thinking about what I am saying or what I am going to say, next.”

Daniel J. Stalp,, Brooks and Associates, Overland Park KS

“Because of our work together, I have become more conscious of my breathing and how it either enhances or hampers the tone of my voice.  I’ve learned to relax and slow down.  Also, I truly appreciate the thoughtful words of wisdom that came up in our sessions.”

Patricia I. Brown-Dixon, Regional Director, U. S. Small Business Administration, Kansas City MO

“The FULL VOICE method gave me the confidence to trust that my brain and gut will know the right words at the right time and it does.  My presentations are more powerful and more persuasive.  I am having fun presenting; something that I never would have thought possible.”

Blake J. Williamson, MD, MS, VP & Senior Medical Director, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City

“Thanks again for your insight, professionalism and candor.  You helped me simplify my opening and approach to those that don’t know the capabilities I can help them develop.  It will continue to be valuable to me in my business and I thank you for it.”

Wes Wingfield, President, Highest Ambition LLC, Kansas City MO

“I cannot remember a course, class or seminar that returned the benefit received from the sessions with you.  Not only did you show me how to improve my pitch, resulting in much improved speaking voice, but along came additional benefits of more effective presentations and organizing my thoughts, at a moment’s notice.”

Converg Media

“Without a doubt, the time and effort I have invested in the processes, taught by you, are of real benefit.  I feel more at ease and confident in my ability to communicate and have a deeper understanding of what is necessary to speak well in public and private life.”

Harlan Brownlee, President and CEO, Arts Council of Metropolitan Kansas City

“I was surprised by how much effort you put into personalizing the experience, based on my work environment and circumstances.  Gaining your perspective was very valuable in building confidence and allowing me to better utilize my skills.”

John K. Rice, Chief of Police, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

“I recently gave a 30 minute presentation to about 150 people. Thanks in large part to your guidance, there were minimial nerves, my humor came through, no ums or uhs that I can recall and my cadence led to a very effective presenation while delivering the exact message that was intended. These meetings have been going on in the Lexus division for over 10 years and many of the attendees said it was one of the best they had attended.

The confidence you instilled in me to know everything there is to know about the topic and, equally important, trust myself came through with flying colors.”

Kenny Warren, Customer Services Operations manager, Lexus Southern Area

“I am confident that Garrett and his system have opened doors for me that I could not have passed through before we met. I am eternally grateful for Garrett and I recommend his services to anyone that I meet.”

Ryan Carney, Technical Project Manager, IRC Event Management,, Cerner Corporation

“Your talent as an emcee added both warmth and professionalism to our ARMA International Annual Conference and Exposition in Chicago (2005).  You are a delightful person that can handle any situation with charisma.”

Anita Willis, Director of Member Services,, ARMA International, Lenexa KS

“The FULL VOICE program and training is invaluable.  I realize that to be totally comfortable in any situation, I must get beyond believing to knowing and to go nowhere to be now here.  My wife still says I sound funny doing my vocal exercises, but I just tell her that they work.”

David Miles, Executive Director,, H&R Block Foundation, Kansas City MO

“You did a wonderful job of designing a program that met my individual needs.  Your ability to refocus my speaking ability was a great improvement in my communication skills.  I now have increased confidence in my public speaking and I am able to articulate my thoughts much clearer.”

Dennis E. Pierce, CEO, Community America Credit Union, Lenexa KS

“What immeasurable results!  I now slow down to be more “in the moment.”  MY world was too fast!  As you say in your book, ‘Slow down, communicate and live!’ ”

Karen M. Zecy, President,, American Micro Co., Kansas City MO

“Garrett, I can’t thank you enough for helping me to ‘trust my mind’ and not over-think my words, before I say them  Thanks to you, I have enormous confidence in my ability to lead the Society in the path of success and it obviously shows.  You gave me the reassurance I needed to say and do what I thought I needed to do.”

Jill S. Watson, Executive Director,, Metropolitan Medical Society of Kansas City

“On completion of the How to Have Credibility at a Moment’s Notice program I couldn’t be more satisfied with the results.  The Disciplines of Voice exercises have made me confident that, when I start to talk to someone, my real voice will be audible and clear.”

Kevin O'Brien,, USER FRIENDLY NOW, Leawood KS

“With your assistance, I have developed a greater comfort with extemporaneous speaking.  Our sessions, the Kolbe analysis, and my training, study and reflection have given me an appreciation of the discipline of voice training and the importance of routinely allocating time to foster self-development and creativity.”

Michael Thomas, Managing Examiner,, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Seminar and Keynote Topics

…when you know that you know what you know, you are empowered. This ancient Zen proverb was never more important than in this age of empowerment…for women, minorities, and the disadvantaged. But, most people don’t know when they know what they know, because they won’t believe they can. Few realize complete fulfillment in their lives, because they won’t let themselves see it as a possibility.

GAIN: You’ll learn to know that you know what you know. And, on top of that, you’ll learn to express what you know to others. When you can do that, you’ll be valued by others. And, that’s the ultimate!

…it’s not holding what you’ve got; building a fence around your possessions. But, that’s what the majority of Americans believe. The only thing we can be sure of is change. We can’t really own anything; we just have use of things for a period of time. To continually worry about holding on to “what we’ve got” is futile. Security is rather, the ability to adjust to the changes that inevitably come; to proceed with our lives by living in the present moment and keeping our life’s purpose in Awareness; and ceasing the futility of worry.

GAIN: You’ll learn how to accept change!

It is simply not enough for customer service representatives and telemarketers to learn company and product-related information. To become successful and grow in value to the organization, offensively and defensively, they must be able to effectively communicate, vocally, and bring everyone to appropriate action. Effective vocal communication requires a listenable voice and listening skills. Too often, customer service representatives and telemarketers are just waiting for their turn to talk instead of really listening to the customers’ wants and needs. Customer service is not a “numbers game,” it’s people serious.

Nationally, fewer than 10 in 100 customer service professionals make full use of their vocal capabilities. Due to improper pitch placement, projection and rate of speech, many are just not getting the attention of their customers–who are tuning-out and turning-off to companies and their products.

…it is not enough to have the best ideas in the world; want to accomplish the best for mankind; or have an overriding philosophy of life. Unless one has developed positive self-confidence and self-value, the contributions he or she will make to society will be negligible. The ability to communicate vocally with effectiveness to express concepts from Awareness, enhances one’s self-worth by bolstering confidence in one’s ability to communicate and motivate others to action.

GAIN: You’ll learn the value of risk-taking and innovation in expressing your ideas, for others to reflect upon. You’ll learn that your ideas have worth, relevancy, and value. You’ll learn to voice your opinions more readily and be seen as a leader on the job, in your peer groups, and by those you supervise and mentor.

It simply is not enough for professionals, business executives, sales people, educators, entertainers and clergy to learn and know what they know about job-related competencies. To be successful in their highly competitive fields, they must be able to effectively communicate, vocally, the essential elements of their job knowledge and bring others to action. Nationally, fewer than 10 in 100 individuals in any field make full use of their vocal capabilities. Due to improper pitch placement, projection and rate of speech, many are just not getting the attention of their client groups–who are tuning-out and turning-off.

It simply is not enough for professionals, business executives, sales people, educators, entertainers and clergy to learn and know what they know about job-related competencies. To be successful in their highly competitive fields, they must be able to effectively communicate, vocally, the essential elements of their job knowledge and bring others to action. Nationally, fewer than 10 in 100 individuals in any field make full use of their vocal capabilities. Due to improper pitch placement, projection and rate of speech, many are just not getting the attention of their client groups–who are tuning-out and turning-off.

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By Garrett Haskell Gardner

Take action in certain ways daily for a significant period of time, and put  habits in place that last a lifetime.  In developing the FULL VOICE™ Vocal Communication Methods, I formulated the Disciplines of Voice© daily vocal exercise regimen to provide clients with basic techniques for fostering lasting habits of effective speaking, on the phone, one-to-one and in group situations.  In the 28 years of FULL VOICE™ over 700 clients have positively changed the trajectory of their careers.

You can learn how to apply these proven techniques to your own situation during a FREE HOUR OF VOCAL ASSESSMENT©.  Call me @ (816) 898-4814 to set a convenient time to come into the office.  You’ll learn to sow actions and reap habits!


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